Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our New Addition

Lydia Renee Morrill finally joined our family on February 24, 2011 at 4:38pm weighing 8 lbs and 11 oz and measuring 21 in. long. I was due to have her on Feb. 20. My Dr. wouldn't let me go more than a week late and asked that I schedule an induction date sometime during my 41st week.
I hadn't received a call from the hospital on Wednesday night by 7ish so I called the hospital. When I asked the nurse what time they usually make the calls for the following day, she said they were super busy and would call me back when they weren't so busy. Adam had a basketball game that night, so I took the girls to watch him. The nurse called while we were at the game and told me to come in at 7:00am Thursday morning, but to call at 6:30 to make sure they had room for me. I had done this twice before and had worried about them not having room for me and found that I worried the two other times for nothing.
I slept great until 3:00am. Then I tossed and turned until 5:30 when I finally got up and took a shower.
I called the hospital at 6:20 am only to find they didn't have one room available in Labor and Delivery. The nurse told me to call back at 8:00.
When I called back at 8:00 the nurse told me to come in at 9:00am. We dropped Abby and Ella off at Grandma and Grandpa Morrill's and headed over to Timpanogos Hospital. My mom was there waiting to take our picture as we walked into the hospital (as she had done with our other two girls).
I got started on pitocin and paperwork and things were pretty slow. I didn't feel much pain from the contractions until the Dr came in and broke my water.
Just before I got my epidural and after the epidural until I had delivered sweet Lydia I felt really miserable. My blood pressure kept dropping, I felt shaky and nauseated. I felt like I didn't have any energy at all. I don't remember feeling that way with my first two girls after the epidural.
When I got to the hospital, I was dilated to 3cm and 70% effaced. It took hours to get to 5cm, but when I finally got there, It was a short time to get to 10cm. When I was at 9 cm, the nurse called my Dr. and started to get the room ready for Lydia's arrival. I was relieved and scared. Feelings that I felt all three times when it was almost time to start pushing. Lydia was definitely ready to come because after I had pushed a couple of times, she started pushing herself out. Dr. Lameraux laid her on my chest and she looked so familiar to me. I wasn't sure if it was because she looked like my other girls. She was so beautiful. I was relieved that she was here and was healthy.
Adam and I had some alone time with her after the staff got her cleaned up. I nursed her and then a nurse came in to bathe her. When Lydia cried, Adam would put his hand on her arm or hand and talk to her. Lydia calmed right down each time he did it. It was sweet. Adam is such a wonderful daddy. Our girls are so lucky to have him as their father.
Lydia and I stayed in the hospital until Saturday afternoon. Adam brought the girls to pick me up. It was nice to come home.
So far, Lydia is a super mild baby. She is a great sleeper and eater. She is patient with the girls holding her. She smiles a lot. We are so happy to have her in our family. We love you Lydia.


  1. those pictures turned out great! She is so Cute!!

  2. She's beautiful. Congratulations :)

  3. She's beautiful! So happy mom and baby are doing well! Can't wait to see more pictures!!

  4. She is absolutely perfect!!! Mom and dad and I all think so. Hope you are all doing well. Love you!

  5. Congrats Renee! She is so beautiful! Glad you both are doing so well!

  6. She is absolutely adorable! I can't wait to hold her! I hope that all is going well with your fabulous family!

  7. Beautiful baby! The pictures are great(I'm guessing you took them, right?). We're glad she is here and we look forward to getting to know her.

  8. beautiful of course! congrats!!
